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Miss them

Woke up in the middle of the night with nausea. Was all bloated and very tired.
Tried to fall alseep as soon as possible.

When I woke up again things had improved a bit.
But after waking up the others I decided it was up to them to make lunch.

Mr Intelligent had another day of what seems to be ADHD, or whatever it is.
Commenting on everything I said and did.
As I was setting up a wordpress page for my poetry and I can hardly spend 5 minutes without his verbal diarrhea, I told him to shut up and let me do my thing.
That gave me just enough time to get the site up and running.

Then he started again. It was like he made me responsible for how countries deal for the corona crisis.
I often whisper something in politicians' ears, but that doesn't make me take the blame for the mistakes of other countries. His agression was irrational. but it kept coming, until I toild him to mail our government. LOL!

I so hope this corona pain is over in august and I can go with one of the sons to our friends of the Army Air Corps. I miss them so much!!!

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