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Living in a house with someone who comments on everything, and who thinks covid-19 is noty important at all, makes one hide in oneself.

There is so much going on in the world and it touches me so much...
To say 'it's nothing' is completely atranged from this world.

A friend going through a process of grief he shouldn't have to be through alone.
His friends should have been at his home, doing what friends are for: being together.
And in times of grief thast means telling each other memories.

It's a way of coping that has so much value..

Today one of the doctors of one of the hospitals I work said that his corona patients wouldn't die alone. If the family wants to be there, he allows them to be there.
It touched me,  because it's completely against the present coronastyle of dying.
Nurses on TV cry in the camera after a patient has died without family and without someone holding a hand. And then that doctor...
Is he doing the right thing for the patient? Yes.
But for the family? Emotionally yes. And when none gets infected it's OK.
But if they bring the virus from hospital into their community he has made a huge mistake!

The funerals are with a few people,an empty hall, with empty chairs.

I witnessed, and took my part in, the development of griefcounselling.
people used toput their deaths under the ground and make half a tunr and walk away. Memories were private. Not done.
Now we've learned that the more memories can be created the better.

And now we're back to the bare essentials.
We have toinvent new ways of saying goodbye to the soul,
and new ways of saying goodbye to the body.

And new ways to live with a past like this behind.

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