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Kidney dips

Another week in isolation.Z
I have to find tricks to know which day of the week it is. All days are about the same.

Today was a wellknown struggle.
My kidneys taking a day of rest... so a raise of toxins in the blood.
The consequence is an itchy skin, blurred eyesight and brainfog.
Seeing the world through a haze is tiring.
Especially when you try to keep busy.

It first my doc didn't believe me that I could feel the kidneyfunction diminish, and improving again.
I asked him a labform and went to have my bloods taken a day after the dip in function.
He believed me. LOL!

A few months later I had a routine check and I was called by the GP to go to the hospital immediately.
My kidneyfunction was so low I needed dialysis.

Then the hospital called, with the same message.
But I was already feeling improvement, so I asked for another bloodtest.
They were OK, but I had to go immediately, so they would get the results the same day.
Ofcourse I went.
I was lucky... I barely escaped dialysis.

Now we're used to the kidney dips, as we call it.

So today is no surprise.
How long it lasts is, though.

It makes me extra vulnerable for infections...
It's one of the reasons I stay in isolation.

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