Breaking News

A visit

Each day the TV schedule closes with vlogs from people in healthcare.
The healthcareworkers give a look into their own lives.
It's clear for most of them they live just for sleeping,eating and working.
Working in a very emotional environment, against all odd trying to save lives.

It was a shock to see a friend vlogging about her life,in full surgical gear.
We haven't seen each other for ages, but like with good friends, it was like the time in between had disappeared.
But happiness to see her soon changed into worry.
What if the virus reaches her? A small slip of attention and she would get ill too.
Over the days she looked more tired....
More vulnerable....

Earlier in the evening son 2 came to visit.
Couldn't keep him away...
I was happy to see him, but not happy that he broke my isolation.
Especially not because the same psychosocial process developed as happend the past year so many times.

Father and son talking, discussing matters, and whatever I try to say, it's just ignored.
They were talking about statistics.
I studied at the department with the most intense teaching of statistics of the country.
I was a complete failure in mathematics at college/secondary school, and the first year of university was not much better.

But then I saw 'the light'.
I had to see it, as I was teaching 'methods and techniques of research' and teaching statistics was part of my job.
So I tried to explain things to my son..
Not possible. His father was talking through it.
It happened over and over again.

So someone who comes for his job everywhere visits meagainst my wishesand ignores me?

Next time, if there is one. I'll take my stuff and go upstairs.

Don't tell me that you're visiting me, when you ignore me.

So I was stressed when I went to bed...

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