Breaking News

Those 12 weeks isolation

In the UK people with immunity problems have been told to isolate 12 weeks.

Many people also have serious health problems and wonder why they haven't received the order.
They feel ignored. Or they think their healthproblems haven't been noticed enough.

So I got a lot of questions about this.

My answer:

The health authorities have made a difference between people with serious health problems and people with problems with immunity. 

People with compromised immunity can't fight anything, because the basic protection of the body has gone. Even the smallest cold can kill them. Not mich can be done to help them. So Covid-19 will kill them. They simply can't survive it.

Those with heart and lungproblems can be helped with medication to fight covid. The extra medication on top of what you take at home, can make a firm difference. It helps you fight the infection, so you have a chance.

Rather than being ordered to stay inside, you can make your own choice, what means you can isolate when you have help or go outside for necessary shopping and social distancing.

Making the choice by yourself has a positive psychological effect.
People who make their own choice feel less confined, have a more positive attitude and are better able to keep themselves busy.

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