Breaking News

The world in view: march 24

Global coronavirus cases surpassed 400,000,
Almost 17,000 people have now died.
More than 100,000 have recovered
(Johns Hopkins University)

Warnings have been issued by the EMA against falsified medication.
No medication has been approved for corona prevention, nor for treatment.

429 new cases
2,252 confirmed cases
8 deaths
162,000 tests done

Belgium has stopped to treat old and weak people. They call not to bring people receiving palliative care to hospital. These people can't be cured.
This measure is the same in many countries, where people are not treated when they won't gain from IC treatment.

Hubei stops with provincial checkpoints.
Wuhan stays locked down until april 8.

Called a health emergency for the next two months. This means the government can make decisions without going to parliament first.
People can be forced in quarantaine, and medical materials can be confiscated.
Punishment for non-adherence to the rules has been increased. When you walk the streets without permission the punishment is for repeat offenders max 6 months.
The government can take all necessary economical measures. The new law was published, but not announced.

increase of 4764 to 27.436 registered positive cases.
This is an increase from yesterday which reported a rise of 4062.This may be attributed to the weekend.
28 people died, total 114.

will be on complete lock down for the next three weeks.
469 positives and 10 deaths.

reported more deaths, 743, and less positives, 3612. But there might be a weekend effect in reporting and testing, so no conclusions can be drawn.
Total deaths:   6.820.
Total infected: 69,176
Fines are raised to 3000 euro.

has locked down indefinetely after people ignored the guidelines.
Those who ignore the curfew can be imprisoned for a year.

Republic of Ireland
asked most businesses to shut.
People are not to be outside with more than 4 people.
People are asked to stay in under the same conditions, as for instance the UK and The Netherlands.
Lasting until april 19

Tenth day of lockdown.
514 deaths in 24 uur, Again higher than ever.
Total deaths:       2.696
Positives:            6.584
Total positives: 39.673
Recovered:         3.794

The first person in Spain has been conducted for ignoring the lock down to 4 months imprisonment.
20.000 fines were given, 926 people arrested.
According to the Minister of Justice some coronapatients escaped from hospital.
In Madrid people have to prove they have to go to work by showing a letter from the employer.

A gruesome discovery has been made: lots of death people in old people homes with living elderly neglected between them.

87 people have died, a total of 422.
The London Metro is still overcrowded. People can't keep the rules for social distancing. This is partly due to buildingworks going on.
The UK has bought 3,5 million tests to see if people have had the Covid-19 virus, But it's not known how reliable they are.
A new testing facility has opened today in Milton Keynes.

For other updates see other post.

46,548 confirmed cases of the virus throughout the US, at least 592 people died.

In New York more that 25.000 positive cases, more than 157 people died.
The numbers double every three days, which is faster than in many countries.
In a few days the number of needed beds climbed from 110.000 to 140.000, but just 53.000 are available.
Expected need: 40.000 IC-beds.

Amazon and Microsoft (Financial support of Gates Foundation of Bill Gates) will support researchers in the USA who research the spread of the Virus. Amazon will deliver and fetch tests in King County in the State of Washington, one of the worst hit regions.

In a corona-briefing of two hours Trump announced that the country willbe open for trade very soon.
Trump placed himself opposite doktors.
They want to close down the world and have no idea that economical issues are more important. Traffic won't be cancelled because of car accidents, he stated.

The WHO warned the USA it might become the new epicenter of the pandemic.

A couple took chloroquine phosphate after Trump declared that chlorquinine was a good treatment for Corona. These people didn't know that different forms have far different consequences. The aquariumcleaner they took caused havoc. Tha man died, his wife is critically ill.
Trump with his false information is directly responsible.


The Olympic Games are postponed to next year.

The CKC performed research at the cruiseschip Diamond Princess and found virus 17 days after the patients left.
The way these results are interpreted has been criticised, as residue of virusses is different from active virus.
The WHO stated last week the virus lives a few hours on a surface, dependent on air moisture and temperature. This means not the residue, but the contagious virus.

Roche, producer of coronatests, urges to test only people with symptoms to guarantee enough tests.
This is against the advice of the WHO. but is what most countries are forced to do.

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