Breaking News

The truth behind the Corona death numbers in The Netherlands

Let's be open about numbers.

Never take them at face value.
Never think you understand them.
Never jump in the pitfall to project your own ideas upon them.

Research them!

In the daily Corona statistics the number of people who died from Corona is mentioned.

I asked people what they thought had happened to those people.
Most said: they got very ill, were seen by their GP, brought to hospital, were tested, put on an isolation ward and when deteriorating put on a ventilator and died.

That's a reasonable thought, but here in The Netherlands and in most other western countries that isn't the case.

Most of these people have been tested positive.
But did they die from Covid-19?
Was Covid-19 the cause of death?

For some people we don't know.

Because 3/4 of these people died from 'no treatment'.
Some of them where left at the carehome and didn't receive any treatment at all, because treatment would go against their wishes or treatment would only bring more burden, as their body was too frail or ill from other diseases to take Corona-symptoms treatment.
Others were traansported to the hospital and received palliative care. When they needed ventilation it was decided not to put them on ventilation, because they'd never get a full quality of life afterwards.

So 3/4 of the numbers of death have died in a completely different way than the 1/4 of them who have had all medical assistance. In these cases the virus won from all the assistance available.

And one last remark: we don't know how many of these people would have died this time of the year anyway from other causes like the flu.


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