Breaking News

Schools are closed...and....

Here in The Netherlands schools are closed upon request of a group of doctors and upon request of the people itself, as they saw in schools a danger of contamination.

Some say children can't infect others. WRONG!
That's why we request not to go to the grandparents.

Some say that children can't get the virus.
Oh yes, they can.
Even babies have been admitted to hospital.

Some say children won't get ill.
Children can get ill.
Most will show minor symtoms,
but children with diseases can get very ill and die.
Just like vulnerable old people.

In The Netherlands schools are still open for children of people who need to work to keep the country alive: health care workers, firemen, cleaners, journalists, etc etc.

Right now most teachers work hard to provide online education.
We don't have a public system of homeschooling. Otherwise we could just use the homeschooling material.

In the meantime it's important to make this into a positive experience.
Missing friends and the teacher, even missing learning, can undermine the psychological wellbeing of children and their parents.
So don't add to it with your own fear and stress.

Get a structure in the day. So wake up , dress and have breakfast together.
Children love to learn, so teach them, depending on their age: safety in the kitchen, laying a table, preparing food. Most children love the responsibility of caring for their parents.

And make life fun!!
You can make a tent of the dinnertable with a few sheets or blankets.
Eat there.
Some kids love to sleep in a tent.
Well, in the house it's warm, safe and nevertheless lots of fun.

Do things they never do.
Some children are never allowed to play with clay.
Now is the time.
When a plastic sheet or papers on the floor protect your floor, and when cleaning up is fun too, maybe you as a mom will enjoy it too.
Littlekids just want to make a plate, an animal, or just something.
Older children can use items to make a relief.
Items can be made for the grandparents, the neighbours, the teacher or for their own museum for the summer, when this all is over.

You can ask children to write how they experience this time and you can contact me to put photos and stories here on the site.

Don't forget that this situation doesn't last forever, so it's about keeping up the spirits and enjoying it yourself too.

And make photos, to remember...

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