Breaking News

More restrictions

I wouldn't mind self-isolating all alone... not at all. But with half of the family at home I have longer and more intense days as they have changed nothing at all in their behaviour.
Trying to be a listening ear for writing friends, I have to push myself in the psychologist mode. I don't mind, let's be clear about that. But working 3/4 of the night, after a full day of doing more journalist work from home...that's not the way to keepa virus outside.

Did laundry and all sorts of things, trying to be calm and friendly, while my blood reached a cooking degree. Other men take the plastic waste outside, the kitchen waste outside.... Well, I wish I could take the man outside.
He had another attack of blaming me for something else his fake-news and negative online paper wrote about. In crime they say 'wrong friends', in corona I'd say: 'complete wrong info'.
Yesterday I withheld myself from showing him the BBC news about closing pubs,... of friday....
Now he started again that Boris should do this, and Rutte should do that, and they all  didn't do anything... bla bla bla...
So I got the BBC news...of friday... and presented it to him, like a huge cherry and chocolate cake with wonderful whipped creame and caramel cookies on top.
Had him silent for a moment.

Then he began again...while I was waiting for Boris to restrict the UK, just as Rutte did here earlier this day. Boris did...

But again I was attacked... well, let's say my name is the same as the Queen, but that doesn't mean I'm her. He said something, I said it in another way, and hopla... he was on it again. I'm not responsiblefor decisions taken by PMs.
I must find a way to deal with this.
I already feel I don't want IC treatment when I get ill with Corona.
There will be none caring when I come home. They will say oh and ah, just like when I came home after I was hospitalised because my heart refused duty, and after struggling with life for weeks they discovered cardiomyopathy. The son from a village nearby came in the evening to do the dishes, instead of one of those people here!!
It's like this is an old peoples home, a nuthouse, with people suffering from a lazy; making virus.
I know one has special needs, and another needs to be special, and this man is special to himself.

So when someone on facebook told me my country started too late to take action I suspected him to be the man described above, sometimes called Mr. Intelligent. So I thought Mr. Intelligent 2 could be
Mr. Intelligent 1.
I updated him...
Been isolating for almost a week here, witnessing all sorts of restrictions for people, some friends working at home to their utter delight, others bringing themselves in danger in one of the hospitals here.
We're not allowed on the streets anymore, unless to buy necessities, get some fresh air... alone!!!

My government doing nothing... and 'nothing' too late. Get a life!! Get your own country in order!

Then son 2 got online, angry to the top of his head. He's a journalist, head-editor of the local online paper.
He had just witnessed a car collison by a man who was drunk and had a fever.
The police said 'it was nothing'.
So people will be ill informed with some fake news.

That's what local journalists are for: controling the authorities.
When son came home he found the message that they didn't want to give him a socalled police press card, granting him the right to be on the streets.
Just because he doesn't have the income to buy an international press card.
So if anyone doesn't travel to work and saved the money to help someone... I know someone.
He works so very hard... 24 hours a day on call. 7 days a week.
When we hear a siren we look at each other and say: 'He's got another call...'
And now they just fling him aside.

This time is so strange... and people just do thing to do things...
It's like just a few keep their brains where they should be.

Now I'm going to sleep.
Have a lot of work waiting for tomorrow.

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