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KH-Meme 3

The Keep Happy meme is a daily meme that will be found here on the site during the Corona crisis.
Today you'll get a few questions and it's upto you which one you'll answer or if you'll answer all. That's up to you.
Publish it in the comments, or on your site, providing a link to this site. Download the image under this and paste it on your own site. Put a message in the comments, so I can visit you.
Be aware not to direct link, because the link will die due to a change of name.
Give me the url in the comments so I can visit your answers.

  1. Do you remember which song you heard last?
  2. Name an artist you love.
  3. Did you ever request a song on the radio? Which one, for whom?

    See you tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. 1.Do you remember which song you heard last? Taylor Swift. You need to calm down
    2.Name an artist you love. I just saw a singer on TV but I don'tknow her name.
    3.Did you ever request a song on the radio? Which one, for whom? Yes,for my uncle and aunt when they were married 35 years. I don't remember which song.
