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Hydroxychloroquine -1

As a reaction to a discussion about hydroxychloroquine use in COVID-19.

Hydroxychloroquine inhibits inflammations, can kill certain bacteria and parasites.
There are some theories about influencing ' opening the coat of Corona'  which have lead to speculations. Some miracle stories were added. These can't be verified. So one simply doesn't know if they are true or not true at all.
Since the start of the Corona crisis I have tried to verify as much informnation as possible and found quite some interesting claims, and was also surprised by the sites these claims were found.

To me it's interesting that people who don't trust the pharmaceutical industry at all, now suddenly almost beg to provide medication that hasn't been approved for the treatment of Corona, and hasn't been researched at all.
It worries me for several reasons.
It makes clear how afraid and desperate people are, how easy they can be influenced, and how easy people drop objections and critical reviews in the light of a disease that might catch them.
I understand that, oh I do, but as a scientist that places a lot in perspective and tell me things I don't like about people, even about people who I value and admire. I have to put the last words in the past...
Hydroxychloroquine has been approvedby the FDA for certain diseases.
It hasn't been approved for Corona.

Even when rocking chair scientists, so non-professionals, state that a medication works, it needs to be tested in certain ways to be accepted as scientifically reliable as a treatment.

Hydroxychloroquine is used for other purposes than Corona and because of that the test of side effects in healthy people already has been done and can be skipped.
But that doesn't mean a medication is approved.  
It can be approved for testing.
And it can even be approved for compassionate use, but that's in fact testing too, as doctors need to report a lot about the patient, and the use, and results.
Not all countries allow compassionate use, some only allow that in terminally ill patients.
A medication can be accepted before all testing has been done. We've seen in the past that socalled 'perfect medication' which was preliminary admitted killed so many people that it was withdrawn from the market in no time.
The reality is that in this case the FDA has promissed quick approval after enough research seems to be done.
It's nothing else than promissing something 'if'... or 'when'....

I've written a seperate post about testing.
You can find it here..
In this case there are so many Corona victims, that finding testsubjects is no problem at all. Certainly not because people in hospital are very afraid to die. Most won't even hear what they are informed about.
In a normal situation the ethical commissions won't even accept trials on these people.
But the pressure from society is huge, the need for easy to produce medication too.
It's interesting with how many arguments people try to sell me the medication as approved or as tested.
I've even been told that a person can judge a medication because he takes a lot of medication himself! Well, eating bread doesn't make me a baker.
As COVID-19 burdens the world for not even 3 months one can understand that proper research can't have been done and hasn't been done.
Out of despair and the wish to help, doctors have used this medication to break the fever of corona, ignoring laws and guidelines
In some cases it seemed to work. In others not. And breaking the fever doesn't mean survival.
It's probable that this medication does something good in a Corona patient, but at what cost? And I'm not talking about money. In the past peole had to deal with terrible side effects. We don't know what happpens in Corona patients.
As people can recover from Corona careful research is necessary. You don't want to medicate a person if he recovers anyway.
As a scientist I want good scientific research before telling people to administer or to swallow something that is safe and can cure them.
Call it caring....
For those who want to read this in other words: they can go to this article.

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