Breaking News

Empty grocery bag



I work in hospital, like so many. All day dressed in the most inconvenient stuff, which is hot and stiff, to protect others and myself.

I sleep, work, sleep, work, and today I realy had to go to the shops to get groceries.

Forget it!!

I thought the empty shelves was just a way of saying that some products had been sold out.

But those shelves were EMMMPTYY!!!

No bread, no milk, no toilet paper, but also no fruit, no tins or pots, no potatoes, no bags of instant soup, no pasta... nothing!!
Only the very expensive stuff was still there, but I don't fancy to eat posh fish. I can't work on posh food. I need to be nurtured.

There is enough food supply, but people grasp whatever they can,, stash it up and leave people who are ill, the elderly and those who work their butts off without anything!!

I don't want cotton swabs or facemasks.

I want to eat so I can work well!!

So please, please, please, take what you need, not what you need for years!!!

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