Breaking News

Diagnostic scans?

In a special TV program a doctor claimed he had found a new way of diagnosing Covid-19.
He showed on a scan of a patient how the virus clings in a kind of ball against the lining of the lungs. he claimed it was his invention.
Diagnosing Corona without testkit hasn't been invented by the americans, but by the chinese.
They ran out of testkids and wanted to perform gooddiagnostics as their hospitals were already cluttered.

It can be done by scans.
  1. The patient needs to have Corona further developed than the testkit can identify, so
  2. The patient has infected more people and
  3. When we scan for Corona we can't scan people who have cancer and other illnesses.
  4. The cost is tremendous!
After the news the chinese did it we didn't hear anything anymore, so we must assume they have abandoned this way of diagnosing.

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