Breaking News

German man tested positive

Februari 25 a german man who had been in The Netherlands in the weekend of 8 and 9 februari was tested positive.

It turned out he had no symtoms during that weekend, so no contacts need to be traced when assuming the disease isn't contagious when there are no symptoms.

The Gesundheidsamt Kreis Heinsberg (Nordrhein-Westfalen) is tracing the contacts of the man. As the area borders on The Netherlands it's possible Dutch people are among his contacts. Both countries are in close contact about this,and the Dutch health authorities will take action as soon as Dutch people are involved.
these people will be contacted, informed and they will be daily monitored.

To prevent spreading of the virus schools and daycares are closed until march 2. People are requested to stay at home en visits tohospitals and carehomesneed to be as limited as possible.
No guidelines for The Netherlands yet.

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